Regardless of your opinions on certain ones, laws have been created for a reason. Whether it's for safety, protection or keeping things fair, all laws do have a purpose. But some of those purposes are a bit of a mystery, especially with laws regarding vehicles and driving. Today we're going to look at some Canadian driving laws which are a little bit puzzling.
Honk If You're...Passing
In Prince Edward Island, technically it is illegal to pass a vehicle without honking your horn. Not laying on the horn, just a little tap to make people aware. Having said this, it's not a law that is regularly enforced.
Where We're Going, We Don't Need Roads
There's an old provincial law in New Brunswick that makes it illegal to drive on...roads. Yup. I'm not sure where the law-makers of yore wanted us to drive, but it wasn't on the road.
More Like Hover-CAN'T!
I don't know why they're called hoverboards. They don't hover. Hoverboards are the awesome things from Back to the Future Part 2. But I digress. If you own a RollerBoard (that's what I'm calling them from now on), you're not allowed to ride them on the streets or sidewalks of Toronto or Montreal. Sorry Griff.
Rocky Mountain Distractions
The "Distracted Driving" laws exist across Canada, and most people associate cell phone usage with it. Alberta has stricter laws in place when it comes to Distracted Driving, which includes reading, watching movies, feeding your baby or grooming your hair/beard. Which basically makes everything I do on my commute illegal.
Hobbit's Can Drive
I am one of the many people that believed that it was illegal to drive barefoot. In reality, it's not actually illegal. There are no laws that limit what you can wear on your feet while driving. Whether that be barefoot, flip-flops, stilettos or even moon-boots if you want. However, if you wear shoes that cause you to drive erratically, you could be charged with dangerous driving.
Drive-Thru Texters
In every province in Canada, you cannot text in your car unless your car is parked. However, in Ontario and Quebec, you would not get a ticket if you were texting on private property such as a Tim Horton's. Ontario's Highway Traffic Act doesn't apply to private property, and Quebec only has a handful of driving laws that apply to private property. NOTE: Don't text and drive. Ever.
You Thought Your Swear Jar Was Bad...
Not a Canadian law, but one I found pretty funny anyways. In Maryland, it's actually illegal to curse in public, including inside your car. If you swear while driving and someone reports you, you could face a $100 fine or even spend up to 90 days in jail. Either watch your language or keep a few hundreds ready to dish out.
There are strange laws all over the world. Many of them were created a long time ago and may not be relevant anymore (we're looking at you New Brunswick) or whoever came up with the law thought it was a good idea at the time...and multiple people agreed and put it into law. I don't understand politics.